Liberty is ‘national.’ Its presence relaxes the mind. The person is enough being human. Nothing more is required. Safety and peace rises like a sun within the people of the land. They go about their day doing good, being happy.

A rightly educated, independent sharp mind, and an empathic heart that cares for the wellbeing of others; that cares about our community; the two wings upon which liberty soars.

The gentle balance of strong mind, and gentle heart; these are the eyes of liberty; an eagle in mid flight, a disinterested, altruist defender; a champion unlike any other.

Liberty is National. It displaces absolute reign; walking amongst the people.

Safety and peace rises like a sun within the people of the land. They go about their day doing good, being happy.

It is a light thing. In its ignorance self-interest scorns it.

Without comprehension, selfishness is repulsed by it.

The invisible battle of comprehension is set in array.

“Let light shine from shore to shore. Forward with the establishment of intellect, reasoning & understanding for the good of the people!,” sais Liberty.

Self-interest enters the halls of learning and sets its construction. Trade, industry, and commerce become favored. An inequality of education amongst the people begins.

A few prosper and the land is valued and divided.

The attention of the children of the first people becomes diverted.Their hearts begin to languish. They forget the requirements of vibrant, unalloyed, genuine Liberty.

“Progress!” “Progress!,” shouts Self-Interest.

A remnant of liberty remains.

Shards of light; stronger than the darkness of self-interest and the ignorance that always follows it, these maintain our union, semblances and shadows of liberty continue to abound.

The hearts, they do grow cold. The minds, they do go dull.

The Lord’s mercy sends light unto the good and evil in all ages.

Defending champions, disinterested defenders of liberty rise and fall before the people to sharpen them, to try them, and to make them new again.

Benjamin Banneker, George Washington, John, Abigail, & John Quincy Adams, Frederick Douglass, Charles Sumner, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington Carver, Attorney Thurgood Marshall, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Ronald Reagan.

Our military soldiers. And yes, our brothers and sisters in law enforcement; those fire fighters always ready to answer the call, those essential workers who maintain the immediate health and safety within our local communities.

Of the eagles who have attained far beyond most in their understanding, delivery, and intellectual expression, forth they have gone as sentinels, ultimately rendering good in their complete works and writings, laying before the American people an example unto all generations the requirements for liberty, that their be a just peace; that the people be happy.

Think it not strange that they have endured threats on their life, or hardships as they have embanked against the winds of the mantra of ‘Progress.’

The quick-witted, young of mind, snarky Senator Abraham Lincoln in his February 27, 1860, Address at Coopers Institute:

“But you say you are conservative — eminently conservative — while we are revolutionary, destructive, or something of the sort. What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried? We stick to, contend for, the identical old policy on the point in controversy which was adopted by “our fathers who framed the Government under which we live;” while you with one accord reject, and scout, and spit upon hat told policy, and insist upon substituting something new, True, you disagree amongst yourselves what that substitute shall be. You are divided on new propositions and plans, but you are unanimous in rejecting and denouncing the old policy of our fathers.”

How has ‘Self-Interest’ constructed its agenda upon the Land Of Liberty? Was it not called, ‘Popular Soverignty’ in the early to mid 1800s? That a person could own a man or woman as property, and no government or third person could challenge that supposed right? Therein laying the Declaration of Independence, the foundation of our Constitution aside as null and void?

Did not Self-Interest show itself again a day after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln; then President Andrew Johnson beginning the start of segregating the people and oppressing some while favoring others? The government nor any third person being allowed to intervene in the matter, thus once again, the construction of a new ‘agenda’ of ‘Progress’ was placed on top of the Declaration of Independence, rendering that document from 1776 null and void.

Finally, is it not so that in 1973 the children in the woman’s womb was designated as the singular ‘property’ of the human female, and no third person or government was allowed to intervene in the matter, thus, the herein also, the construction of a new ‘agenda’ of ‘Progress’ was placed squarely on top of the Declaration of Independence, rendering the Declaration Of Independence, a powerless piece of parchment to be placed behind a glass museum?

How the people of the land have become divided upon the labeling of our humanity in the womb property that can be discarded and extinguished in the name of liberty! We are once again pitted against one another in a manufactured battle, and the tried, tested, ancient understandings of our nation are not taught in a clear, straightforward manner!

Liberty is national. Abortion is sectional.

When the Government announces a ‘Progress’ agenda — watch out! A government for and of the people is not tasked with having an ‘agenda’ for the people, but to be for their physical protection; for the establishment and strengthening of their intellect, that the foundations of liberty remain strong and resilient. By all means, may the government be extravagant in the creation of educational institutions across the land, but leave the teaching, the instruction and understanding of liberty and justice for all intact. Make not our Declaration Of Independence some obtuse document that is suddenly too difficult to understand, but place it front and center in the daylight as the cornerstone of our national community. It is only the shared ideas within that document that bring such a different multitude of people to rest easy in the knowledge of our equal created value. Bring NOT forth any new doctrine or teaching to inculcate the minds of the people and the children of the people in each generation to acrimony and division. On the contrary, may we always be blessed with disinterested American ‘eagles’ who see the constructions that self-interest always seeks to place upon that Declaration Of Independence.

Liberty is national and a great equalizer creating fountains of peace.

Self-interest is sectional and directs towards division and inequality.

Our Declaration of Independence is a national document in that it declares our inherent, fundamental, inalienable, natural claim to life and liberty that we may be happy.

Will you be a disinterested, altruist, defending American eagle of liberty who cares? Being good and doing good? We need such relentless defenders with the loving strength to bring about unalloyed liberty.



just call me Bill

Dad, Special Educator, Political Scientist, Writer. Instagram & YouTube: @CoachBill007